NOTE: this API is only available to Griffin View & ASM Edition subscribers. Contact us for details.
ASD Certso Wildcard APIv1
Using curl
Call with default parameters:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Api-Key: YOUR_APIKEY' -XPOST '' -d '{ "domain":"*DOMAIN*" }'
Call against multiple domains and some custom parameters:
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Api-Key: YOUR_APIKEY' -XPOST '' -d '{ "domain":["*DOMAIN1","*DOMAIN2"],"includep":["PATTERN1","PATTERN2"],"excludep":["PATTERN1","PATTERN2"],"trusted":"false","astask":"false","aslines":"true" }'
It will output one or more subject.organization value(s).
Available parameters
- domain: one or more wildcard values in array format. Mandatory parameter.
- aslines: render results with context information (false) or one JSON per line (true). Default to false.
- astask: create a background task for later processing (true). Default to false.
- includep: one or more patterns to grep into result values and only keep matches.
- excludep: one or more patterns to grep into result values and exclude matches.
- trusted: let our backend do the filtering of obvious false positives (true) or disable it (false). Default to true.
onyphe -asd-certso-wildcard '*DOMAIN*'
onyphe -asd-certso-wildcard '*DOMAIN1*,*DOMAIN2*'
echo 'domain:"*DOMAIN1*"' > /tmp/domain.txt
echo 'domain:"*DOMAIN2*"' >> /tmp/domain.txt
onyphe -asd-certso-wildcard domain.txt
Error codes
error: 0, text: 'Success'
error: 1, text: 'Error not found'
error: 2, text: 'Unknown error'
error: 3, text: 'Request timed out'
error: 1000, text: 'API not found'
error: 1001, text: 'API access denied'
error: 1002, text: 'API key not given'
error: 1003, text: 'API key is not valid'
error: 1004, text: 'Parameter error: <custom message>'
error: 1005, text: 'User not found'
error: 1006, text: 'User get failed'
error: 1007, text: 'Search failed: <custom message>'
error: 1008, text: 'Getting result failed: <custom message>'
error: 1009, text: 'Task not found: <custom message>'
error: 1010, text: 'Creating task failed: <custom message>'
error: 1011, text: 'Getting task result failed: <custom message>'
error: 1012, text: 'Unable to kill task: <custom message>'
error: 1013, text: 'Task in progress: <custom message>'
error: 1014, text: 'Resolver failed: <custom message>'